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Citizen Participation Registration: DWR Board and Committee Meetings – May 2024

At the upcoming meeting for the Virginia Board of Wildlife Resources on May 23, 2024, including meetings for each Committee on May 22, 2024, there will be opportunities for verbal testimony. Those wishing to speak may indicate their desire by following the instructions in this Citizen Participation Registration form. In order to ensure that your desire to speak is known, please use this form to request to speak by close of business the day before the meeting. Priority may be given to those speakers who represent organizations and multiple individuals. Please be aware that there may not be time for all individuals who sign up to speak to be heard verbally at the meeting, and so all interested in verbally commenting are encouraged to also submit written comments by following the instructions below to ensure that your views reach the Board.

The Board of Wildlife Resources appreciates the public’s interest in addressing conflicts between hunters using hounds and private landowners. At its meeting on March 19, the Board voted to solicit public input on two proposed regulatory actions. Since that meeting, the proposals have been undergoing administrative review with the Office of Regulatory Management, which was completed on May 14. The public comment period for these proposed regulations will open on May 22 and extend until July 5. Information pertaining to the comment period and how to submit comments will be available on the DWR webpage at the time that the comment period opens.

No action pertaining to the hound hunting topic is on the Board’s agenda for the May meeting; any action will take place at a future meeting after the close of the public comment period and review of comments received. Public comment on non-agenda items at the May 22 committee meetings and May 23 regular Board meeting may be limited with respect to topics or time, at the discretion of the Board. The Board invites all interested members of the public to participate in the public comment period and future meetings at which the hound hunting topic is on the agenda.