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Barrier-Free Fishing and Hunting Trails Constructed on Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area

An image of a disabled person in a wheelchair fishing from a newly barrier free trail allowing for all accessibilities to the water

Robert Deel and brother Ricky show big smiles as Robert reels in trophy trout while fishing on Big Tumbling Creek in the Clinch Mountain WMA on the new barrier free trails. WCYB TV 5 Bristol reporter Cassandra Sweetman and Bristol Herald Courier photographer Earl Neikirk cover the catch for promoting the new barrier free trails. Photo by David Coffman.

Barrier-free fishing and hunting trails have been constructed on the Clinch Mountain Wildlife Management Area. Tom Hampton, Lands and Facilities Manager for the Marion Regional 3 Office noted that the fishing trails located on Big Tumbling Creek allow limited mobility anglers to access the stream for trout fishing.  Trout are stocked in this fee fishing area. A valid fishing license and a daily permit ($8) is required of anglers; however, children 12 and under may fish without a permit as long as they are accompanied by a permitted adult and their combined creel does not exceed that of the adult (6 trout per day).

Barrier-Free Trails Background Information

The Department is committed to providing equal opportunities for every visitor to our wildlife management areas to experience wildlife through hunting, fishing, boating or wildlife viewing.  The Department has developed barrier-free trails on Clinch Mountain WMA, and other WMAs, to improve access for mobility impaired users.

Approximately 2,400 feet of trails leading to four hunting locations were developed on Clinch Mountain. The parking area and trailhead are located at 201 Laurel Bed Lake Road, Saltville, VA 24370.

Two separate fishing trails (500 feet and 200 feet) were developed on Clinch Mountain WMA.

Mobility impaired individuals may use electric or manual mobility devices (wheelchairs or other devices) designed for indoor or outdoor use.  There are no physical barriers to prevent access by wheeled device and some slopes and distances may exceed ADA requirements.  Only electric-powered or manual devices are allowed and must be less than 54 inches wide.

For more information on barrier-free access at DWR lands and facilities visit our website.

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  • July 8, 2016