Join Us for the 2nd Annual Virginia Birding Classic Event!
The Virginia Birding Classic is a statewide birding competition in which teams of birders search the public lands of Virginia every spring for as many species as they can find in 24 hours. Read more…
Spotted! The Once-Endangered Kirtland’s Warbler Visits Virginia
Not many Virginia birders have check off the mega-rare Kirtland's warbler from their list, but this fall brought an unusual opportunity. Read more…
Not Myth: A Gray-Crowned Rosy-Finch Was in Virginia!
This is the type of bird sighting that will have birders drop what they are doing and make an eight-hour drive to get their eyes on the elusive feathered prize Read more…
12 Hours, 210 Miles, 100 Species: Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch Celebrates Raptorthon
At these hawk watch sites, thousands of people gather each fall to witness the annual great raptor migration of Virginia's 35 native species. Read more…
The Holly Grail of Wildlife Habitat
An American holly tree in your back yard can be a boon for wildlife of all sorts of species providing winter shelter and sustenance. Read more…
Grow Fall Fruits to Fuel Migrating Birds
For many songbirds, one of the most important food sources during their annual fall migrations are native fruits. Read more…
The Snapper Survived: The Story Behind the 2023 Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase Cover Image
The photographer shares the story behind the image on the cover of the 2023 Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase Issue! Read more…
No Longer Endangered: The Bald Eagle is an Icon of the ESA
The bald eagle, an icon of national pride, is a success story of the Endangered Species Act and of wildlife conservation. Read more…
Seeking to Understand the Piping Plover’s Precarious Recent Trends
While the Atlantic Coast sub-population of piping plovers has been steadily increasing, Virginia's population of the species have been on the decline Read more…