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Conservation Police Officer Apprehends Bank Robber

The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (DGIF) would like to thank Conservation Police Officer, Lieutenant Travis Murray for apprehending a bank robber at the Wells Fargo Bank on Brook Road in Henrico, Co.

On April 27, 2018, just a regular Friday, Lt. Murray had stopped for a quick lunch when a motorist flagged him down. The driver told him that there was something unusual happening at the Wells Fargo bank next door. Shortly after, another passerby pulled up and said there was a man with a gun, wearing a ski mask, robbing the bank.

Doing what all officers would do, Lt. Murray drove closer to the bank, parked in a way to stop the suspect, and immediately notified DGIF dispatch. After a quick scan of the parking lot and surrounding areas, he observed a man run out of the front door of the bank wearing a black ski mask, dark pants and gray shirt. The man was also wearing a backpack and carrying a large revolver.

Lt. Murray began giving the suspect verbal commands, which he initially ignored. At this time, Henrico County Police arrived on scene. All Officers worked together to apprehend the man who eventually surrendered.

Immediately afterwards, Lt. Murray and another Henrico County officer went inside the bank to ensure the safety of the employees and to make sure the suspect was acting alone. The employees were very grateful for the officers that kept everyone safe in a terrifying situation.

The masked man was later charged with two counts of robbery, two counts of use of a firearm in commission of a felony, possession of a firearm without incident, and one count of entering a bank armed with an intent to commit larceny. It is estimated he left the bank with over $20,000 in cash.

Being a Conservation Police Officer is one of the most rewarding yet challenging careers out there. The commitment and loyalty shown by Lt. Murray and the Henrico County Officers to the citizens of the Commonwealth is why we are able to enjoy the natural resources of Virginia.

Thank you to all of our Law Enforcement partners for supporting our officers every day.

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  • May 31, 2018