The Planning and Finance Division welcomed Wendy Querry to our team as a new Buyer/Procurement Officer earlier this month (on January 10th). Wendy comes to DGIF after gaining lots of procurement experience working for Amazon and Virginia’s Department of Corrections. Also as it relates to our Procurement Section, we are in the middle of interviewing candidates to backfill our Purchasing Director position and hope to have someone on board next month. We continue to appreciate everyone’s support and patience as we respond to your purchasing questions and requests during this time. Questions concerning purchasing should still be directed to;; and now
Our Division recently published changes to the DGIF travel policy and procedure, which were intended to satisfy certain state requirements, assist with documentation needs, and provide for better awareness of the department’s travel needs. Questions concerning travel should be directed to
Now that we are past the mid-way mark for our Fiscal Year, the Department’s Budget Team will soon be called upon to help Planning and Finance craft a new and proposed operating budget for Fiscal Year 2021, which begins July 1. Many of you have been meeting on next year’s budget already, and we thank you!
For all those who haven’t visited our licensing and registration site in a while, at, you should access your customer account when you can and you will see a few new features, to include a new e-store that incorporates many of the merchandise products from shopDGIF, the ability to auto-renew deer, turkey, and bear licenses, as well as options to get your reduced price Sportsman’s License and Restore the Wild Memberships.
Finally, thanks to hard work and determination by our IMS staff and many staff in each Regional and District Office, we have completed the recent rounds of network upgrades to hopefully support improved connectivity and operational efficiency in every office. Now that DGIF has finally identified a path to making these initial IT improvements in each office, we will continue to monitor their effectiveness, so that if we need to expand further in the future, we now have the process in place to do so. Your patience and onsite support through all of this has been great.