© Emily Moriarity Lemmon
The Mountain Chorus Frog as the name implies occurs in the mountains of the central Appalachians including a small portion of southwest Virginia. The species is found on forested hillsides in elevations that can range upward to at least 3,500 feet. The frog is typically found near springs and small streams, but it is not unusual to find this species a long distance from water.
Like the other member of the chorus frog group, the Mountain Chorus Frog is small in size ranging from 1 to 1.5 inches in length. The species is gray or brown in color with 2 curved stripes on the back. A dark triangle between the eyes is typically present and a white line on the upper lip.
Breeding occurs from March through July in shallow pools in woodlands or virtually any small standing body of water. Females may deposit as many as 1,500 eggs in one season. Males call from these small waterbodies during the day and night. The call is a quick, raspy note similar to Brimley’s Chorus Frog, but the ranges of the two species do not overlap. The call has been described as a “wagon wheel turning without benefit of lubrication.”
Call of the Mountain Chorus Frog
This is a part of our Virginia is for Frogs campaign, where we’ll be sharing a frog fact-of-the-week all year long.
Want even more frog facts and calls? Check out our Guide to the Frogs and Toads of Virginia, available from ShopDGIF.com, a 44-page field guide that covers all 27 species of frogs and toads that inhabit Virginia. Their calls have been captured on a high quality CD that can be easily listened to in the field, classroom, or at home!