A backyard frog pond surrounded by native plants. Photo credit: Lou Verner
It’s finally beginning to really feel like spring, making this the perfect time to start thinking about your garden plans. As part of our 2015 Virginia is for Frogs campaign, this spring we are asking that you consider ways to enhance your yard for frogs and other amphibians.
Creating a frog pond surrounded by native plants would make an excellent start towards improving the frog habitat at your home. Most frog species are dependent upon some form of water to carry out their lifecycles. They deposit their eggs in water and it is here in this watery environment that they develop from egg to tadpole to adult frog. Frog ponds can be as small and simple or as large and elaborate as you would like.
Not only will starting a pond benefit frogs and other amphibians, it will also enhance habitat for birds, dragonflies, and many other wildlife species. Frog ponds can also make a beautiful addition to your landscaping. Plus, having more frogs around your home provides you with a free and natural form of pest control; they consume countless numbers of insects each year.
For some guidance on how to start your own frog pond, please check out this helpful webpage from Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy. To find native plant nurseries and plant sales near you, check with the Virginia Native Plant Society.
Keep checking back with us each #FrogFriday as we’ll continue to provide more tips on things you can do at home to improve habitat for frogs and other wildlife throughout the year.