Hunters for the Hungry Needs Your Support
“We definitely need both deer and the funding to process them.”
Laura Newell-Furniss, Director, Hunters for the Hungry
The 2018-2019 deer season is upon us, and Hunters for the Hungry (HftH) is again calling upon hunters to provide support for their fall/winter campaign. The charitable organization provides meals of healthy venison to Virginians who are hungry and living in poverty.
This year, HftH needs your help more than ever, since the non-profit unexpectedly lost two big corporate sponsors–and, their combined donations of $70,000–leaving them in a bit of a tight spot just as hunting season begins to ramp up.
HftH could find themselves in the position of having a surplus of venison but not enough cash to reimburse processors for their work. So this year it’s especially important to consider a gift of cash as well as venison.
“We definitely need both deer and the funding to process them. This delicious and nutritious meat really makes a difference to local feeding programs all across the Commonwealth who are working to meet the needs of people who are living in poverty,” says Laura Newell Furniss, Director of Hunters for the Hungry.
All of the venison donated by hunters goes directly to local shelters, foodbanks and soup kitchens across Virginia, where healthy, hot meals are given to the hungry.
“If you can imagine going meal after meal after meal without any quality meat how very much you would appreciate that ground meat, that steak, that roast or that tenderloin you are receiving! I’ve seen people with tears of appreciation in their eyes, just that grateful,” says Newell Furniss.
Virginia’s hunters have now provided 26.6 million servings of venison since Hunters for the Hungry was founded in 1991. What a testament to the generosity of Virginia’s hunters!
How to Donate
- It’s easy to donate. Simply drop off your whole, field-dressed deer at one of the more than 80 HftH processors and collection sites located all across the state. Find them here:
- At the processor, fill out simple paper work: your address, phone number, game tag number, county of harvest, and date of harvest. That is all there is to it.
- And, if you can’t donate a deer, or can but still want to contribute more, HftH also needs help with funds to process the venison. Processors donate their time and effort at a reduced rate. Please consider donating money when you buy your hunting license this year, at Even if you’ve already purchased your license for this year, HftH is a great reason to return to DWR’s one-stop-shop license solution to donate separately. Customers can also donate to HftH at one of the more 500 license agents throughout Virginia, and this year can even set up their donation to auto-renew every year at this time. Look for options to donate to HftH under “Popular Items” in Go Outdoors Virginia account. This small contribution fulfills a great need and ensures there will be funds to process all of the deer donated.
Make a Difference: Donate to Help Feed the Hungry
Hunters for the Hungry accepts thousands of pounds of deer each year; however, due to a shortage of funds to process and package the meat, they’re unable to accept thousands more. You can help bridge this gap by making a donation today—it’s not only tax-deductible, it also makes a big difference in the lives of many Virginians!
Other Ways to Help
Hunters: Donate a Deer
Hunters can donate deer to Hunters for the Hungry.
It’s easy! Just take your legally-harvested and field dressed deer to a collection point or to a participating processor.
Thank you for sharing your harvest so that others can have quality food to eat.