By DWR Guide to the Turtles of Virginia
Here are some of the ways you can help conserve and protect turtles and other wild animals.
- Don’t take them home. Leave wild turtles in the wild.
- Don’t relocate turtles. If safe, move it off the road in the direction it’s moving.
- Discard fishing line and other trash appropriately.
- Don’t leave crab pots in the water unattended for more than 24 hours and use a by-catch reduction device.
- Create turtle-friendly habitats on your personal property or business.
- Avoid mowing tall grass during the active period for turtles.
- Grow native plant species on your property.
- Avoid burning long-standing brush piles during the winter.
- Support efforts to establish and protect natural areas.
- Recycle and practice energy conservation.
- Join or donate to a conservation organization.
- DO NOT RELEASE PET TURTLES (or any species of pet)