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Opportunity for the Public to Comment on Migratory Game Bird Hunting Seasons

DGIF is inviting the public to provide comments on the preliminary staff recommendations for the 2018-2019 Migratory Game Bird Seasons and Bag Limits, including dove, rail, gallinule, woodcock, snipe and waterfowl.

This is an opportunity to let Virginia’s wildlife professionals know what you would like to see for next year’s migratory game bird seasons. Comments will be accepted until March 16, 2018.

Please provide a detailed account of any suggestions. We ask the public to inform us of values and concerns regarding migratory game bird seasons including what should be accomplished.

From this information, DGIF staff can better determine a course of action or how we can best address these issues. Your concerns and interests in regard to migratory game birds matters!

In developing staff recommendations, we follow the following guiding principles:

  • Consider the resource first
  • Utilize the best science in decision making
  • Achieve population objectives where appropriate
  • Consider the biological, sociological, economic, political & enforcement impacts
  • Maximize hunting recreation
  • Provide equitable distribution of recreation
  • Simplify regulations when possible

Comments should be sent directly to:

View the federal frameworks and staff recommendations PDF document »

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  • February 20, 2018