Boats watching the USCG helicopter demonstration.
11 Conservation Police Officers from across the state attended the 12th Annual SAR Forum in Hampton, VA. The event brought a total of 32 boats and 156 students from across the Hampton Roads area together to hone boat handling skills and search and rescue efforts. The officers spent the entire week in the lower James River and Chesapeake Bay conducting search patterns, radar exercises, tow operations, chart plotting, and small boat handling techniques.

Photo by Officer Brian Bratton.
The 5 boat crews from DWR consisted of Officers Bonnie Braziel, Matt Dean, Glenn Cramer, Charles Leftwich, Josh Joyce, Alan Hatmaker, Katiana Quarles, Corey Gardner, Tyler Sheets, Andy Rutledge, and Danny Newton. Also, Officer Brian Bratton, Sgt. Garvis, and Sgt. Woodruff assisted by shuttling boats to/from the event and providing familiarization with the equipment being used.
- Returning to base.
- Inbound commercial traffic during operations. Amphibious assault ship coming into port.
DWR personnel demonstrated their skills and professionalism throughout the week. As a result, the DWR boat crews received an award for their performance.