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Training Master Naturalists on Frog Conservation

DGIF’s Habitat Partners© Program teamed up with agency biologists in support of our Virginia Is for Frogs campaign to deliver a day-long workshop on the Conservation of Frogs and Other Amphibians to 27 Master Naturalists from 6 different chapters on Wednesday, April 1.  Habitat Partners© is an outreach effort that provides educational training and resources for Schoolyard Habitat, Corporate Habitat and Habitat at Home© projects.

This train-the-trainer workshop provided the Master Naturalists with information about the Virginia Is for Frogs campaign, Virginia’s frog species, the habitat issues they face, and effective methods for enhancing habitat to support frogs and other amphibians. The Master Naturalists were also given the opportunity to observe amphibian habitat, egg masses, tadpoles, salamander larvae, snakes and turtles in the field along the Greensprings Swamp Interpretive Trail in James City County.

In exchange for the training, these Master Naturalists will assist DGIF’s outreach effort by spreading awareness and education about the conservation of Virginia’s frogs and their habitat needs to the general public via a variety of projects, presentations, and event booths throughout the year. Thank you to all of the Master Naturalists who participated in this workshop and for volunteering your time to the campaign effort!

The Virginia Wildlife Photography Showcase Issue is here!
  • April 7, 2015