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Weekend Outdoor Fun: Youth-Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting, Trout Heritage Day

This Saturday, April 4, is packed with ways to enjoy the outdoors!

Youth-Apprentice Spring Turkey Hunting

The special Youth-Apprentice Turkey Hunt Day is Saturday, April 4, 2015, for youth age 15 and under or Apprentice license holders regardless of age. Youth hunters between the ages of 12–15 must have appropriate valid hunting licenses. Hunters under the age of 12 are not required to have a license, but must be accompanied by a licensed adult. See the Department’s website or Hunting & Trapping in Virginia Regulations and Information digest for more information on Hunter Education requirements. The Youth-Apprentice turkey hunt is a great way for an experienced hunter to introduce a youngster to the great outdoors!

Be sure to check out the 2015 Spring Turkey Hunting forecast.

Trout Heritage Day

The trout fishing action at the Trout Heritage. Photo courtesy Lee Walker, VDGIF Manager for Outreach.Trout Heritage Day was established several years ago for those anglers who enjoyed and missed the old “opening day” tradition for Trout Season. Selected waters are stocked for the first Saturday in April to create an announced stocking event. To view the list of waters that will be stocked for Trout Heritage Day on April 4, visit our website.

Kid’s Fishing Day at Graves Mountain Lodge

Celebrate Trout Heritage Day with the kids in Madison April 4 when the Rapidan Chapter of Trout Unlimited and VDGIF partner with Graves Mountain Lodge the first Saturday in April for Trout Heritage Day and Kid’s Fishing Day. Several hundred trout are stocked along a private section of the Rose River, solely for children under the age of 12 to experience the joy of fishing. This popular event is just Saturday again this year and features educational exhibits and skill building activities for both novice and experienced outdoor enthusiasts. Come join us on April 4 to support Kid’s Day and Trout Heritage Day at Graves Mountain Lodge in Madison County adjacent to Shenandoah National Park. Check the VDGIF website for details.

Applications are open for the 2025 Virginia Elk Hunt Lottery!
  • April 3, 2015