The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) is committed to continuing the tradition of hunting with hounds for both wildlife management and recreational benefits. Furthermore, DWR is committed to ensuring that hunting practices are consistent with and respect the rights of private property owners.
Hunting Safety
Buckshot travels further than most people realize. Know your surroundings and beyond before taking a shot.
- Make a plan
- Know where your hunting partners are and plan your Zone of Fire accordingly.
- Never take a shot when there is the possibility of someone being downrange of you.
- Always have a safe backstop. Know where your shot will go if you miss.
- Use caution when taking multiple shots. Keep to your safe Zone of Fire.
- Stick to your plan:
- Do not move positions during a hunt.
- Beware of tunnel vision (big buck fever) — maintain your safe Zone of Fire.
- Whenever possible, hunt from an elevated position.
Optics and Ethics
Just because it is not illegal doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do. Every hunter has the responsibility of modeling safe, responsible, and ethical behavior.
- Parking and/or standing on the side of a roadway gives the impression that you are hunting from the road.
- Cast dogs and conduct your hunt in a manner to maximize opportunities to prevent them from entering roadways or lands where they are not wanted.
- Using hounds to intentionally chase game off property where you do not have permission is unethical.
- Always make an attempt to communicate with landowners before entering their property to retrieve your dogs.
- Always identify yourself and show respect and courtesy to landowners. When possible, introduce yourself to landowners in the area that you intend to hunt prior to the season.
- It is illegal to drive your vehicle or carry a firearm onto property that you do not have permission to access.
- Ensure each dog is collared with your name and up-to-date contact information so lost dogs can be returned.
- Hitting a moving target is difficult. Only shoot at an animal you know you can kill quickly, humanely, and ethically.
- Hunters must make every effort to retrieve wounded game. Hunters must obtain permission to track game on adjacent landowner’s property.
Respect Private Property
Hunters can take steps to minimize or eliminate hounds entering property without permission from the landowner.
- Make a plan to keep dogs on the property where you have permission to hunt.
- Communicate with adjacent landowners.
- Only release hounds on property where you have permission. Releasing hounds on property where you do not have permission to hunt is illegal.
- Only use hounds that are appropriate for the size of the property you have permission to hunt. When hunting smaller tracts of land, consider utilizing smaller packs of hounds as well as hounds that do not range long distances. Consider using a different breed of hunting dog if conditions warrant it.
- Never use hounds to intentionally chase game off property you do not have permission to hunt.
- Retrieve your hounds as soon as possible if they go onto prohibited lands or at the conclusion of the hunt.
Hound Hunting Technology
- Use the technology available to you (electronic collars) to assist with preventing dogs from entering properties where they aren’t wanted.
- Use the technology available to you to collect your dogs immediately after the hunt and before they wander onto property you do not have permission to hunt.
- Never use technology as an excuse or means to trespass on property where you do not have permission.
- Always remain in close contact with your dogs, visually, electronically, or otherwise.
Best Practices for Living in Hound Hunting Counties: Landowners and Still Hunters in Virginia
Post Your Property with No Trespassing Signs
Posting your property makes it easier for others to know where your property lines lie. Including a phone number or other information will also make it easier for a hunter to contact you if they need to retrieve a dog.
Hunting Season and Hounds
If you live in a county where hunters use hounds to chase deer or bear, please be aware that this tradition has been part of the culture for generations. Most hunters have a safe system of casting, running, and hunting over hounds. Please be patient and considerate of legal hunting during this time.
Hounds on Your Property
Living in a county where hunting with hounds is legal doesn’t mean you have to tolerate illegal behavior. Always report violations of the law to Law Enforcement as soon as the violation occurs.
- Hounds in pursuit of wild game should be left alone when possible.
- Hounds that pose a threat to your property, family, pets, or livestock can be captured and reported to animal control immediately.
- Report any hunting violation you see to Law Enforcement immediately using Virginia’s Wildlife Crime Line number (800) 237-5712.
- Never remove a collar from a hound or capture and keep the hound for an extended period without first calling the number on the collar.
- Hounds that appear lost can be collected or animal control should be contacted. If collected, call the number on the collar immediately. If the hunter/owner does not respond, call animal control.

Laws Pertaining to Hunting with Dogs
Trespass by Hunters using Dogs and Right to Retrieve
§ 18.2-132.1. Trespass by hunters using dogs; penalty.
Any person who intentionally releases hunting dogs on the lands of another which have been posted in accordance with the provisions of § 18.2-134.1 to hunt without the consent of the landowner or his agent is guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. A second or subsequent violation of this section within three years is a Class 1 misdemeanor and, upon conviction, the court shall revoke such person’s hunting or trapping license for a period of one year. The fact that hunting dogs are present on the lands of another alone is not sufficient evidence to prove that the person acted intentionally.
§ 18.2-136. Right of certain hunters to go on lands of another; carrying firearms or bows and arrows prohibited.
Fox hunters and coon hunters, when the chase begins on other lands, may follow their dogs on prohibited lands, and hunters of all other game, when the chase begins on other lands, may go upon prohibited lands to retrieve their dogs, falcons, hawks, or owls but may not carry firearms or bows and arrows on their persons or hunt any game while thereon. The use of vehicles to retrieve dogs, falcons, hawks, or owls on prohibited lands shall be allowed only with the permission of the landowner or his agent. Any person who goes on prohibited lands to retrieve his dogs, falcons, hawks, or owls pursuant to this section and who willfully refuses to identify himself when requested by the landowner or his agent to do so is guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor.
Permits for Certain Field Trials Required and Penalty
§ 29.1-422. Permits for field trials.
The Board is authorized to grant permits to bona fide field trial clubs and associations to hold field trials with dogs under such regulations it deems proper. The fee established by the Board for a field trial permit shall be an amount sufficient to defray the costs of processing the permit and administering the permitted activity but shall not exceed twenty-five dollars per event. It shall be unlawful to hold such trials without the permit herein authorized during the closed season for game. If wild game is to be shot over or in front of dogs engaged in such field trials, the person actually shooting must have a license permitting him to do so.
Captive birds of any species released and immediately shot or recovered during such trials shall not be considered to be wild birds under this chapter or § 29.1-521.
§ 18.2-403.3(6). Offenses involving animals — Class 4 misdemeanors.
The following unlawful acts and offenses against animals shall constitute and be punished as a Class 4 misdemeanor: . . .
6. Failure by any person to secure and exhibit the permits required by § 29.1-422 pertaining to field trials, night trials and foxhounds.
Hunting Dogs to Wear Tags; Penalty for Removing Transmitting Device
§ 29.1-516.2. Hunting with dogs; dogs to wear tags.
Any person engaged in lawful hunting with a dog shall ensure that the dog has a tag identifying the name of the owner or custodian and a current phone number. The tag shall be securely fastened to a substantial collar by the owner or custodian and worn by such dog.
§ 18.2-97.1. Removal of a transmitting device; penalty.
Any person who removes an electronic or radio transmitting device from a dog, falcon, hawk, or owl without the permission of the owner and with the intent to prevent or hinder the owner from locating the dog, falcon, hawk, or owl is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Upon a finding of guilt, the court shall order that the defendant pay as restitution the actual value of any dog, falcon, hawk, or owl lost or killed as a result of such removal. The court may also order restitution to the owner for any lost breeding revenues.
Using Dogs to Track Wounded Game
§ 29.1-516.1. Using tracking dogs to retrieve bear, deer, or turkey.
Tracking dogs maintained and controlled on a lead may be used to find a wounded or dead bear, turkey, or deer statewide during any archery, muzzleloader, or firearm bear, turkey, or deer hunting season, or within 24 hours of the end of such season, provided that those who are involved in the retrieval effort have permission to hunt on or to access the land being searched. A licensed hunter who is engaged in such tracking may have in his possession a weapon permitted under this title and may use such weapon to humanely kill the wounded bear, deer, or turkey being tracked, including after legal shooting hours. Such weapon shall not be used to hunt, wound, or kill any animal other than the animal that the hunter is tracking, except in self-defense.
Using Dogs to Assist in a Hunt – Handler has met Tag Limit
§ 29.1-521(A)(3). Unlawful to hunt, trap, possess, sell, or transport wild birds and wild animals except as permitted; exception; penalty.
A. The following is unlawful: . . .
3. To hunt or attempt to kill or trap any species of wild bird or wild animal after having obtained the daily bag or season limit during such day or season. However, any properly licensed person, or a person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such daily bag or season limit while hunting may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives if the weapon in his possession is an unloaded firearm, a bow without a nocked arrow, an unloaded slingbow, an unloaded arrowgun, or an unloaded crossbow. Any properly licensed person, or person exempt from having to obtain a license, who has obtained such season limit prior to commencement of the hunt may assist others who are hunting game by calling game, retrieving game, handling dogs, or conducting drives, provided he does not have a firearm, bow, slingbow, arrowgun, or crossbow in his possession.