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Virginia Birding Classic: The Cardinal Cup

The event that started it all—Virginia’s preeminent birding competition offers participants an opportunity to bird with the best in the Commonwealth. The Virginia Birding Classic’s Cardinal Cup is awarded to the team that is able to identify the most species possible on Virginia’s vast public lands. Assemble your team and prepare yourselves to scour the Commonwealth for every wren, rail, pipit, piper, hawk, heron, finch, falcon, loon, lark, owl, osprey, crow and cardinal you can identify within 24 consecutive hours between 12 AM on April 15 and 11:59 PM on May 15, 2025.

The most successful teams will employee strategy, skill, and perseverance to reach the pinnacle of Virginia birding: their name emblazoned on the coveted Cardinal Cup.

How to Participate

  • Identify your team captain, team members (at least one and up to five), and team name.
  • Register and pay for you and your team members.
  • Use Explore the Wild and eBird to strategize and identify public lands in Virginia to visit during your attempt.
  • Pick your day.
  • Go birding!
Register for the Cardinal Cup

Competition Challenges

Pit your talents against the best birders in Virginia, or seek out a new challenge by focusing your efforts on one of the Competition Challenges!

People-powered Challenge

Cardinal Cup team constrains their modes of transportation to non-motorized options only, such as walking, biking, or paddling within and between public lands. Whoever sees the most species within the People-powered Challenge parameters wins the challenge.

Regional Bird Ambassador Challenge

Whichever team identifies the most species in each of DWR’s four regions wins that region’s Bird Ambassador Challenge.

Mind-the-Gap Challenge

Whichever team boasts the largest age gap between the oldest and youngest member wins the Mind-the-Gap Challenge!