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Charter of the Nominations Committee

Revised March 18, 2021

As presented in the Board’s Governance Manual, the Nominations Committee is to interact with the membership of the Board to develop candidates for the officers of the Board for consideration by the full Board. The Nominations Committee will report its slate of candidates at a Board meeting in the last quarter of the fiscal year.


As presented in the Board’s Governance Manual, the Nominations Committee is to interact with the membership of the Board to develop candidates for the officers of the Board for consideration by the full Board. The Nominations Committee will report its slate of candidates at a Board meeting in the last quarter of the fiscal year.


The Committee shall be comprised of not less than three (3) or more than four (4) members of the Board of Wildlife Resources. Committee members shall be appointed by the Board Chair and shall serve a term concurrent with that of the Chair. A quorum of the Committee shall consist of a majority of the members.


The Committee is to serve as the Board’s primary work group to develop a slate of candidates for the officer positions of the Board (Chair and Vice-Chair). In the development of a slate of candidates, the Committee will ensure that no person shall serve more than one year as Chair and one year as Vice-Chair during a four-year term pursuant to the Code of Virginia § 29.1-102.C.


The Committee shall meet as necessary to develop its slate of Board officer candidates in order to report such slate during a Board meeting in the last quarter of the fiscal year.