Wildlife Viewing
Make a Plan for the Virginia Birding Classic!
What's the Virginia Birding Classic all about? Hear how things went for a team of DWR employees at least year's Birding Classic and get a few tips for this year's event! Read more…
2025 Restore the Wild Artwork Competition’s Atlantic Sturgeon Winners Chosen
“We were thrilled to see how creative artists got in their depictions of the Atlantic sturgeon and their aquatic habitat,” said DWR's Stephen Living of the Restore the Wild Artwork Competition. Read more…
Watch the Shad Cam!
Shad Cam provides viewers with a glimpse under the surface of the James River as fish swim upstream through the fishway. Read more…
The Richmond Falcon Cam
Welcome to a new season of the Richmond Falcon Cam! Read more…
Listen for the “Peent” to View Timberdoodles in Flight
A male timberdoodle's distinctive call and aerial displays are a welcome harbinger of spring approaching. Read more…
Visit VBWT Sites on Prince William County’s African American History Trail
Three Virginia Bird and Wildlife Trail sites are also included on Prince William County's guided tour of sites important to the county's history and that of its African American residents. Read more…
Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Downlisted to Threatened
In a milestone for the species, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that they are planning to downlist the red-cockaded woodpecker from endangered to threatened status under the federal Endangered Species Act. Read more…
Join Us for the 2nd Annual Virginia Birding Classic Event!
The Virginia Birding Classic is a statewide birding competition in which teams of birders search the public lands of Virginia every spring for as many species as they can find in 24 hours. Read more…
Spotted! The Once-Endangered Kirtland’s Warbler Visits Virginia
Not many Virginia birders have check off the mega-rare Kirtland's warbler from their list, but this fall brought an unusual opportunity. Read more…