Wildlife Viewing
An Introduction to Virginia’s Butterflies
A brief introduction to butterfly biology and a few of Virginia’s common species for the 6 taxonomic families found in Virginia. Read more…
12 Hours, 210 Miles, 100 Species: Rockfish Gap Hawk Watch Celebrates Raptorthon
At these hawk watch sites, thousands of people gather each fall to witness the annual great raptor migration of Virginia's 35 native species. Read more…
What’s the Wildlife Action Plan and Why Does it Matter?
What's a Species of Greatest Conservation Need? How does DWR decide what wildlife conservation work to do for those species? The Wildlife Action Plan! Read more…
Protecting Turtles on Jamestown Island and Near You
Local wildlife enthusiasts have made a big difference for turtles on Jamestown Island by taking care to avoid turtle hatchlings when driving. Read more…
The Holly Grail of Wildlife Habitat
An American holly tree in your back yard can be a boon for wildlife of all sorts of species providing winter shelter and sustenance. Read more…
Discovering The Secrets of a Familiar Coast: My First Whale-Watching Tour
A whale-watching tour off the coast of Virginia Beach offers glimpses at aquatic watchable wildlife you might not associate with Virginia. Read more…
Watching Winter Waterfowl by Water
Taking to the rivers and creeks by boat can provide some unique waterfowl viewing opportunities; providing a unique vantage point to see the parks. Read more…
There Are Some Who Call Me Twig: IDing Trees in Winter
Identifying trees in the winter can be a bit more challenging, but possible when you know what to look for to identify many trees using their bark. Read more…
Not Dead Yet!
Resist the urge to remove dead flowers and stalks as winter approaches; often small insects will hibernate within the stalks. Read more…