This hunting season, hunters can check bears through the DGIF electronic checking systems – using their phone, internet, or mobile app. As in previous years, hunters can also check bears at bear check stations.
To check your bear using one of the electronic checking systems, you must have a DGIF Customer Identification number (CID). A CID is required even if you are exempt from buying a bear license (e.g., a landowner). Creating a CID is free and easy.
If you do not wish to obtain a CID, you will need to check your bear at a bear check station.
Important Note
Hunters in Virginia are required by law to submit premolar teeth from any bear they harvest. The teeth will be used to determine the bear’s age, which helps DGIF better monitor and manage bear populations. If you check your bear by phone, internet, or mobile app, you will need to remove and submit the teeth yourself. (It’s easier than it sounds!)
Please visit the website below for a one-page instruction sheet and a video that explains how to remove the appropriate teeth (two premolars). Special envelopes for recording data and mailing the teeth will be provided in the near future for you to use once you have checked in your bear.
Please stay posted for more information on electronic checking of bears. For more information on bears and bear hunting, please visit the bear information section of the DGIF website.