The Virginia DWR Elk Cam is offline until next season. We appreciate your interest and hope you visit this site when it returns! Be sure sign up below for the latest wildlife viewing updates on Virginia's elk herd and to hear about new opportunities in Virginia. In the meantime, please enjoy a collection of clips from prior seasons!
About the Elk Cam
The DWR Elk Cam follows Virginia’s majestic elk herd during their breeding season, also known as the “rut.” The camera is located in Southwest Virginia’s Buchanan County and focused on a field frequented by the elk, especially during early morning hours and in the evening around dusk. As the weather cools, later in the fall, the elk will be on camera more often and visible at other times of day.
Tune in throughout the fall to observe their fascinating behaviors, such as the formation of large family groups called “harems,” males challenging one another, and for the chance to hear a male elk’s bugle, which is their loud mating call. In addition to the elk, you may also observe wild turkey and other wildlife that find food and shelter in this beautiful Southwest Virginia field.
Where to View Elk in Virginia
Three viewing stations are now open and are located on Buchanan County IDA (Industrial Development Authority) property, which is located near Poplar Gap Community Park. Each station was built on a different area of the property overlooking individual “viewing zones,” roughly within 1-mile proximity.
Learn More About Viewing Stations »
Learn More About Elk in Virginia
Elk are a native part of the Virginia wildlife community. Lack of regulations and over-hunting led to the last elk in Virginia being harvested in 1855. A restoration effort in the early 1900s eventually failed again in 1970. Elk are now found throughout an Elk Management Zone comprised of Buchanan, Dickenson and Wise counties.

Elk Cam Made Possible by Generous Support From
The Virginia Wildlife Grant Program, a partnership between DWR and the Wildlife Foundation of Virginia to connect youth to the outdoors, is proud to support this connection to our elk herd!