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2021 Explore the Wild Sweepstakes Results

Thanks to Everyone’s Support, the Explore the Wild Sweepstakes Raised $54,850!

Not only does this fund our project goals, we also have funding for at least 17 acres of additional habitat restoration work to benefit Virginia’s wildlife!

The Explore the Wild Sweepstakes Winner

Congratulations to David M Johnson of Vinton, VA, on winning the sweepstakes and getting:

Our runner-up prize package winner is Kenneth Nelson of Richmond, VA. He will receive a gift basket put together by our partners at Southern Gap Outdoor Adventure:

  • a $100 gift certificate that can be applied towards lodging at Southern Gap Outdoor Adventure
  • flexfit hat
  • plush toy elk that bugles
  • original elk artwork on a framed feather print
  • a rustic welcome sign featuring an elk
  • a wooden tree ornament featuring an elk

Project Goals

All proceeds from the sweepstakes went towards our Restore the Wild initiative and will be used for elk habitat restoration and viewing work at Breaks Interstate Park.

Phase 1: Control of invasive shrubs on project area to promote diversity of habitat structure and forage composition for elk and other wildlife.

Estimated Funding Goal: $7,500

Phase 2: Conversion of non-native grass species to a high-diversity native plant species composition promote a native composition of grass and herbaceous species that will provide cover and forage for elk and other wildlife.

Estimated Funding Goal: $3,500

Phase 3: Install infrastructure (parking areas, barriers, interpretive signage, etc.) to promote wildlife viewing access to the project area.

Estimated Funding Goal: $10,500

Special Thanks to Our Partners