First Hatch!
The first egg has hatched!

The first chick curled up below the female falcon.
The female peregrine falcon briefly rose up from her incubating position this morning at 6:38 am and revealed a chick! The chick looked fluffy and dry implying that it had hatched sometime overnight or early this morning. No new pips have yet been observed, but the female has been holding tight to her incubating position making it difficult to get a good look at the eggs. The video below shows this morning’s big reveal. At the end of the video the male falcon arrives and communicates with the female, but the female stays tight to her position.
Peregrine falcon eggs typically hatch synchronously; a 4 egg clutch usually hatches over a 24-48 hour period. We’ll continue to watch the falcons closely over the next couple of days, as we hope to observe continued hatching of the clutch.