The Cam is Back Online and Now Live Streaming!
DWR is proud to present the Richmond Falcon Cam in live stream. The Cam will now display a live broadcast as opposed to refreshing a still image every 3 seconds as it had in years past. We are very excited about this update to the Cam and hope you will enjoy the enhanced viewing experience that the live streaming provides.
To distinguish the female and the male peregrine falcons, look for the following features. As is the case for most raptors, the female is larger than the male. The Richmond female has a buffy breast and belly with some sparse barring, whereas the male has dark barring across his breast and belly. The male is banded with silver, black, and red leg bands and the female is unbanded.
Over the last week, we have continued to observe the male and female spending large amounts of time around the nest box and increasingly more time together at the nest box. Today, copulation was observed between the pair. The male has also started a couple of new scrapes in the box, since our last posting, with the current one at the front of the nest box, just to the right of center. (A scrape is a shallow depression that falcons make in gravel or other substrate for nesting purposes.)