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Richmond Falcon Cam

One of the 2021 Males has Been Spotted!

  • September 12th, 2022

Today is a great day for Falcon Fans as we have an exciting update related to one of the Fab Four Richmond Fledglings from 2021. The ‘red’ male from this clutch (banded 47/AU) has been repeatedly spotted in Norfolk, Virginia over the course of the past few weeks!

47/AU, aka 'Red', can be seen on the right perched with his siblings atop the lip of the nest box.

47/AU, aka ‘Red’, can be seen on the right perched with his siblings atop the lip of the nest box.

More specifically, he has been seen in the vicinity of another known peregrine breeding site at the Berkeley Bridge in Norfolk. 47/AU’s arrival at this site follows the death of another male peregrine which had bred at the bridge since at least 2019. Although the death of the previous male is unfortunate, there are many peregrines in the broader Coastal Plain of Virginia that are not attached to territories and readily compete to occupy breeding vacancies when they arise.

47/AU stands on a ledge.

Recent photo of 47/AU from Norfolk, Virginia. Photo Credit: Mitch Lee

Since 47/AU was first identified, observers in the area have noted him periodically interacting with the current female in the area, 32/BH, who has been described as “tolerant” of his presence. Considering peregrines typically begin reproducing in their third calendar year, we hope that 47/AU will continue to bond with this female, and if he isn’t displaced by another male, ultimately go on to produce his first clutch with her next spring!

On the left, 47/AU bows to the breeding female (banded 32/BH) on the right.

On the left, 47/AU bows to the breeding female (banded 32/BH) on the right. Bowing is a behavior regularly displayed by male peregrines when attempting to court females. Photo Credit: Mitch Lee