Funding for Future Conservation Efforts
Participating in spring turkey hunting prospers the species because of the funding procedure that enables the work of DWR. Money from license and permit sales, and spring turkey hunting gear, are the primary financial components of research and management.
“Our primary funding mechanism is license sales and the associated funds derived from the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program. This program generates income through an excise tax that is levied on a long list of items that people buy that are related to hunting, fishing, trapping and shooting sports. This tax is collected from manufacturers by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and redistributed to the individual states for wildlife conservation programs” says Rick Busch, Superintendent of Lands & Facilities for DWR.
For spring turkey, these items might include shotguns, shotgun ammunition, boots, or other equipment that a hunter might use a part of their hunting practices.
An access permit was created to help fund the conservation efforts by citizens who want to use the area but don’t hunt or fish. Purchases from hunters for licenses and access permits are the primary source of funding for conservation practices of wildlife and habitat management in Virginia. Thriving conservation provides better turkey hunting opportunities for hunters. Without the participation of hunters or access permit holders, wild turkey conservation in Virginia could not prosper.