Sites On This Loop
- MDB01: Rye Cove Intermediate School Nature Center
- MDB02: Natural Tunnel State Park
- MDB02A: DWR POWRR Property – Rexrena Boating Access Site
- MDB03: Kane Gap Trail – This site has been withdrawn from the VBWT
- MDB04: Duffield Industrial Park Trail – This site has been withdrawn from the VBWT
- MDB05: Fraley Avenue Trail
- MDB06: Wilderness Road State Park
- MDB07: Cumberland Gap National Historical Park/Wilderness Road Campground
The sites on this loop are located in the westernmost section of the Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail. Many of these sites carry historical significance to early frontier passage to the West, led by Daniel Boone. Although the sites on this loop do not trace the exact steps of Daniel Boone, the passageway that led to the opening of the West did include some of these sites, and the historical Daniel Boone Trail traverses parts of this loop. The furthest western site on the Virginia Birding and Wildlife Trail is the Wilderness Road entrance to Cumberland Gap National Historic Park. It was through this Gap that Boone and fellow pioneers found their way to bluegrass Kentucky. Driving this loop will take visitors through small towns, long stretches of scenic roads, and pockets of lush, maturing forests. In addition to the wonderful wildlife that abounds throughout this area, visitors will enjoy the rich history of these lands.
Loop Map

Heart of Appalachia Tourism Authority
Lee County Area Chamber of Commerce
Scott County Chamber of Commerce