Sites On This Loop
- MHJ01: Coursey Springs Fish Cultural Station
- MHJ02: Sycamore Bend Cabin and River Retreat
- MHJ03: Green Valley Farm – Hunters Paradise – This site has been withdrawn from the VBWT
- MHJ04: Warm Springs Mountain Preserve – Ingalls Overlook Trail
- MHJ05: Hidden Valley
- MHJ06: Meadow Lane Lodge – This site has been withdrawn from the VBWT
- MHJ07: Blowing Springs Campground
- MHJ08: T. M. Gathright Wildlife Management Area
- MHJ09: Lake Moomaw
The Headwaters of the James Loop is composed of nine sites located in Bath County. These sites lie in the shadows of large mountains near the western border of Virginia, just south of Highland County. Several of the sites on this loop are privately-owned, offering expansive, large tracts of undisturbed lands. Low-lying areas, valleys of the grand mountain surroundings, are often suppliers of essential water to area wildlife. Places like the fish hatchery, situated along the Cowpasture River in the shadows of Shenandoah Mountain, can be excellent spots for migrating waterfowl and shorebirds. The final stop along the upper side of Lake Moomaw is a great place to catch a glimpse of bald eagles feeding on the lake. As you travel through this area, consider the fact that the water that flows past you today will eventually wind its way to the Chesapeake Bay.
Loop Map

County of Bath Tourism