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Briery Branch Dam/Briery Lake


Elevation: 2115 ft.

Briery Branch Dam and the associated Briery Lake are home to a variety of water birds throughout the year. In summer, search for great blue heron, wood duck and belted kingfisher. During migration and in winter, look for additional species of duck as well as the occasional grebe or coot. The neighboring woodland hosts most of the woodland species characteristic of western Virginia. Blue jay and northern cardinal are joined in spring by a variety of warblers and in winter by finches and sparrows. Search the roadside verges thick with chicory for common whitetail and widow skimmer, two species of dragonfly that seem to be less restricted to the lakeshore. Additionally, flora including pussytoes, Confederate and common blue violet, purple deadnettle, and wild geranium attract a variety of butterflies, including black and tiger swallowtail, silver-spotted skipper, and cabbage white.


Location: Briery Branch Rd/FR 924, Dayton, VA 22821

Coordinates: 38.45112, -79.15997

From the Previous Site on the North River Loop of the VBWT:

From Hone Quarry Recreation Area, return to SR 257 and turn right. SR 257 ends in 0.8 miles at the intersection with Tilghman Road/FR 101. Continue straight on Briery Branch Rd/ FR 924 for 2.2 miles to the pullout on the left.

Location & Directions

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Site Information

  • Site Contact: U.S. Forest Service, North River Ranger District: 540-432-0187,
  • Website
  • Access: Free, Daily

Birds Recently Seen at Briery Branch Dam/Briery Lake (as reported to eBird)

  • Common Raven
  • Red-breasted Nuthatch
  • Eastern Bluebird
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Golden Eagle
  • American Goldfinch
  • Bald Eagle
  • American Crow

Seasonal Bird Observations


  • Parking
  • Restrooms