Elevation: 1531 ft., This is a multi-use park, with ball fields, picnic areas, playgrounds, tennis and basketball courts, and a track. Nature enthusiasts will find the adjacent Greenbelt Trail the best venue for wildlife watching. To reach the trailhead, park on the north side of the track and walk towards the river. The Greenbelt Trail is situated along the widened bank of the Powell River. There are feral ducks and geese that inhabit this area, but during migration, wild waterfowl and shorebirds join them. Also look for waders such as great blue heron, green heron and the river hunter, belted kingfisher. Barn swallow swiftly fly over the river throughout the summer. The oak, maple and poplar-lined riverbed provides nesting habitat for several kinds of woodland songbirds. During migration, these woods are likely to be populated by other resting neotropical migrants. Muskrat, woodchuck, and big brown bat are more secretive but common mammal denizens of this area. Reptiles and amphibians, such as green frog and northern watersnake, are also common along the rocky riverbed.
Leaving the Southwest Virginia Museum Historical State Park, turn left onto Wood Avenue. Follow Wood Avenue for two blocks to E. 1st Street and turn left. Continue for 0.1miles (3 blocks) into the entrance to Bullitt Park.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: (276) 523-0115 x121, Town of Big Stone Gap
- Website
- Access: Daily, sunrise-sunset; admission free
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Bike Trails
- Accessible
- Parking
- Picnic
- Restrooms