Elevation: 2572 ft.
Fields of dense brush that graduate into deciduous forest encase the reservoir. Crown vetch blooms on all the surrounding hillsides, attracting a variety of butterflies such as eastern tiger swallowtail as well as a variety of skippers and sulphurs. The lake is flanked by cattails, which entice damselflies and dragonflies. Visitors should look for green heron, mallard, Canada goose, and chimney swift. Other denizens of the area include ruby-throated hummingbird, rough-winged swallow, blue-headed vireo, belted kingfisher, and an assortment of woodland passerines.
Physical Address: 750 Recreation Dr, North Tazewell, VA 24630
From US-460, take exit 4 for SR- 678/Market Street, turn left onto SR-678/Market Street, turn left onto SR-645/Lake Witten Road, turn right onto Recreation Drive, and follow it to the parking area.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: (276) 988-7250
- Access: Free, Daily
Birds Recently Seen at Cavitt’s Creek (as reported to eBird)
- Canada Goose
- Mallard
- Redhead
- Ring-necked Duck
- Lesser Scaup
- Hooded Merganser
- Common Merganser
- Pileated Woodpecker
- American Crow
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Bike Trails
- Camping
- Accessible
- Hiking Trails
- Information
- Parking
- Picnic
- Restrooms