This small, tranquil site offers a secluded boat launch to bird from canoe or kayak on Farnham Creek, a Rappahannock River tributary. The tidal creek is surrounded by largely coniferous forest that dominates its shorelines. The woods can be packed with warblers, woodpeckers, vireos, and numerous other birds during the breeding season. Osprey, wading birds, bald eagles, and wintering waterfowl can be seen foraging in this secluded creek.
Location Coordinates: 37.847046, -76.658878
From Warsaw, follow VA-3 east to State Rte 613. Turn right on State Rte 613 and follow for just over 3 miles. Turn left on State Rte 608, following for 0.7 miles. Look for sign that says, “Farnham Landing” and turn right onto Farnham Landing.
Location & Directions
View on Google MapsSite Information
- Site Contact: Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, Region 1 Office (804) 829-6580
- Website
- Access: Free, Daily
Birds Recently Seen at Farnham Creek Public Landing (as reported to eBird)
- Mourning Dove
- Virginia Rail
- Ring-billed Gull
- Belted Kingfisher
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Downy Woodpecker
- Blue Jay
- Carolina Chickadee
- Tufted Titmouse
- Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Parking
- Kayak/Canoe Launch
- Boat Ramp