Elevation: 1323 ft.
Ferrum College offers access to a variety of habitats including open fields, riparian deciduous and conifer woodlands, a moderately sized lake, and streams. All these habitats are easily accessible along the numerous trails that crisscross the campus. The main trail network can be followed from the parking area near the Blue Ridge Institute and Museum, a facility that provides an intimate look at the unique culture found in the Blue Ridge ranging from early pioneer’s homesteading to the development of bluegrass music. Chapman Pond can be found at the beginning of the Nature Trail head just west of the BRI&M and commonly hosts belted kingfisher and green and great blue heron as well as a possible red-shouldered hawk breeding pair nearby. In the breeding season, gray catbird, brown thrasher, Acadian flycatcher, and common yellowthroat can also be found here. Adams Lake is located just uphill and to the east of the BRI&M closer to the college’s academic buildings, boasting spotted sandpiper and chimney swift as well as the occasional river otter and muskrat. These ponds and their surrounding wetlands have been known to boast various amphibians such as four-toed salamander, eastern newt, bullfrog, green frog, and pickerel frog. Snapping, painted, and eastern musk turtle also abide in this area. Keep a look out for American robin, northern mockingbird, and eastern bluebird in the open fields. Species such as tufted titmouse, blue jay, cedar waxwing, and Carolina wren can be found along the stream course near the back of campus, while the lake could support migrant waterfowl such as bufflehead as well as resident Canada geese and mallard. Grey and red fox have also been spotted along the trails.
A campus map available in online interactive and PDF forms can be accessed via Ferrum College website.
Physical Address: 215 Ferrum Mountain Rd, Ferrum, VA 24088
From Roanoke, take 220 South to Rocky Mount, then follow 40 West to Ferrum. Signs will direct you through Rocky Mount, as Route 40 takes many turns through town.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: Ferrum College Main Number: 800-868-9797; The Blue Ridge Institute & Museum: 540-365-4412 or 540-365-4416,
- Website
- Access: Free, Daily
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Visitor/Nature Center
- Food
- Hiking Trails
- Parking
- Restrooms