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Hidden Pond Farm


Hidden Pond Farm, run by the Fulleman family, is definitely managed for birds and other wildlife. These 108 acres are crisscrossed by numerous well-maintained trails that lead to a variety of habitats. A visitor can wander downhill to the pond in search of green herons, or perhaps check out the forest edge for massive pileated woodpeckers. Through the area, eastern towhees can be heard almost constantly, with their jink denk te-e-e-e-e-e-e song. In addition to the numerous white-tailed deer wandering the property, look for at least one pugnacious woodchuck in the main field. Near the house, careful planting has produced a magnificent butterfly garden with clouds of swallowtails, monarchs and fritillaries, all sipping nectar just off the porch. This area also attracts ruby-throated hummingbirds, which hide their nests nearby. Spring could be the most beautiful time of year at the farm, when hundreds, if not thousands, of redbuds and dogwoods bring an amazing glow to the entire area. No matter what the time of year, there will always be something to find on the farm, and the Fullemans would be more than happy for you to drop in.


  • Visitors should park off the driveway in the grass at the GPS coordinates below.


Physical Address: 9533 Lunenburg County Rd

Parking Location Coordinates: 37.002360, -78.410370

From Keysville, head east on VA-40/Lunenburg County Rd and the driveway entrance will be on the left in approximately for 4.4 miles.

Location & Directions

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Site Information

  • Site Contact: Doris Fulleman; 434-736-2500,
  • Access: Free, daily (with some exceptions)

Seasonal Bird Observations


  • Hiking Trails
  • Parking