Elevation: 1341 ft.
The rapids at Indian Draft, although not large enough to cause any real danger, add a little excitement to the float down from Gathright Dam. Travelers pass through a corridor flanked by sycamores on both sides and a ceiling of clear blue sky. Moving down the river provides a continual change in landscape and wildlife. Each turn provides the observer with a surprise—maybe a white-tailed doe and her spotted fawn or perhaps a family of wood ducks with their fluffy young. On closer inspection, the banks hold numerous varieties of wildflower, including orange and yellow jewelweeds, black-eyed Susan, Asian dayflower and many more.
- The US Army Corps of Engineers releases water from Gathright Dam on a regular basis, but also as needed. Check the COE’s website before heading out.

Physical Address: 4411 Jackson River Rd, Covington, VA 24426
From Covington, head north on US-220 N/Hot Springs Rd, turn left onto VA-687/Jackson River Rd, and the entrance will be on the right in approximately 3.4 miles.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: (540) 962-2214
- Website
- Access: Free, Daily
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Parking
- Kayak/Canoe Launch