Depending on the tide, this site combines tidal shallows, mudflats, beach, exposed pilings, and deep offshore channels, all of which offer their own assortment of waterbirds. The low woodlands just inland attract numerous migrating land birds moving southward along this point. The boardwalk is an excellent place from which to study the lusty displays of hundreds of fiddler crabs. Numerous too, are the diminutive black and yellow seaside dragonlets, our only truly saltwater dragonfly. Canoes and kayaks may be launched here for naturalists seeking an intimate view of the marsh and its great blue herons, blue crabs, killifish, and other residents.
Please remember that New Point Comfort is a Natural Area Preserve and as such, contains sensitive natural communities. Respect this area by staying on designated paths, leaving pets at home, and not removing anything from the area.
Location Coordinates: 37.320385, -76.281322
From the intersection of SR 14 and Rt. 600/Lighthouse Road in Bavon, turn left on Rt. 600 and follow it for 1.2 miles to the parking area and boardwalk.
Location & Directions
View on Google MapsSite Information
- Site Contact: Land Steward: 434-295-6106
- Website
- Access: Free, Daily
Birds Recently Seen at New Point Comfort Natural Area Preserve (as reported to eBird)
- Great Blue Heron
- Bald Eagle
- Surf Scoter
- Bufflehead
- Killdeer
- Bonaparte's Gull
- Ring-billed Gull
- American Herring Gull
- Great Black-backed Gull
- Brown Pelican
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Accessible
- Parking
- Kayak/Canoe Launch