The nature trail at Richard Bland College passes through a forest of deciduous hardwoods. A short distance down the trail, there is a large beaver pond containing several tall snags that serve as perches for a variety of birds, including the numerous green herons that breed on the pond. As you continue along the trail, you’ll traverse an area of dry stunted forest, an area excavated 30 years ago and now devoid of topsoil, before re-entering the healthy woodlands. Watch for a variety of woodland songbirds including red-eyed and white-eyed vireos and Acadian flycatcher as you walk along the trail.
If you have time to stroll around the campus, pay attention to the American holly, flowering dogwoods, pyracanthas, and sumacs, whose berries attract fruit-eating birds such as the northern cardinal. The pecan grove near the campus entrance should also be checked carefully during spring migration for visiting birds. Some 2-3 dozen species of birds are seen each spring during the annual campus bird count.
Physical Address: 11301 Johnson Rd, Petersburg, VA 23805
From the Previous Site on the Appomattox Loop of the VBWT:
From the Appomattox Riverside Park, exit the park and return to SR 36 and travel east 5.4 miles. Turn right and go to I-95 South. Proceed on I-95 South and take exit 48B/Wagner Road West. Take Wagner Road west for 0.4 miles and turn right onto Crater Road/US 301 at the first signal. Travel 0.4 miles to the next light and turn left onto Flank Road. Go 2.3 miles to the second stop sign and turn left onto Johnson Road. Richard Bland College is one mile south on Johnson Road. The nature trail is adjacent to Ernst Hall, which is the last building on the right.
To return to I-95 retrace your steps back to the interstate.
Location & Directions
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Birds Recently Seen at Richard Bland College (as reported to eBird)
- Killdeer
- Northern Flicker
- Fish Crow
- Carolina Wren
- Northern Mockingbird
- American Robin
- Red-shouldered Hawk
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Food
- Hiking Trails
- Interpretive Trail
- Parking
- Phone
- Picnic
- Restrooms