Sandy River Reservoir sits just south of US 460 and offers easy access to a large reservoir with plenty of possibilities for wildlife. The open water attracts a variety of waterfowl each fall and winter. Search the deep waters for diving ducks such as lesser scaup and buffleheads. These could be joined by a variety of grebes including pied-billed and horned and even loons from time to time; in shallower waters search for gadwall and American widgeon among the more common mallards. The shoreline is also frequented by ring-billed gulls, which can gather in impressive flocks and are sometimes joined by rarer species. At any time of year an osprey or even bald eagle could turn up overhead.
Search the woods along the shoreline for resident species such as bald eagles, red-bellied woodpeckers, and white-breasted nuthatches. During migration, warblers and vireos such as northern parula and red-eyed vireos join flocks of Carolina chickadees and tufted titmice. In the more open areas around the reservoir eastern bluebirds are numerous and American kestrels can be seen perched on dead snags and telephone poles.
Location: Reservoir Rd, Rice, VA 23966
From U.S. 460, east of Farmville, VA, take Route 640/Monroe Church Rd. south for 0.8 miles and turn left on Route 792/ Reservoir Rd and follow to the reservoir.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: Farmville County Administrator's Office: 434-392-8837 or Virginia Dept. of Wildlife Resources - Region 2 Office: 434-525-7522
- Website
- Access: Free
Birds Recently Seen at Sandy River Reservoir (as reported to eBird)
- Canada Goose
- Wood Duck
- Mallard
- Ring-necked Duck
- Lesser Scaup
- Bufflehead
- Hooded Merganser
- Ruddy Duck
- Pied-billed Grebe
- Great Blue Heron
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Accessible
- Parking
- Restrooms