Elevation: 665 ft.
Stonehouse Lake provides easy access to more woodland than either Thrashers or Mill Creek Lakes. The banks are heavily wooded, making it perfect habitat for great blue and green herons, belted kingfisher, and the occasional pair of wood duck. Downy woodpecker, Carolina chickadee, tufted titmouse, Carolina wren, and northern cardinal can all be heard singing deep in the woods, while American goldfinch and eastern kingbird patrol the fields on its periphery. The lake itself hosts numerous eastern painted turtles, with the vegetation along its banks holding several species of dragonflies and damselflies. Look along these edges for widow and slaty skimmers, eastern amberwing, eastern pondhawk, and common whitetail.
Location: End of Stone House Lake Rd/SR 830, Amherst, VA 24521
From US 60 in Lexington/Buena Vista, continue east and turn left (northeast) onto SR 610. Follow for 2.5 miles before turning left (north) onto SR 625. Then, just past Jerusalem Church, turn left (west) onto Stone House Lake Rd/SR 830 and follow down.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: (434) 946-9371
- Website
- Access: Free, Daily
Birds Recently Seen at Stonehouse Lake Park (as reported to eBird)
- Canada Goose
- Common Merganser
- Song Sparrow
- Red-tailed Hawk
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Blue Jay
- American Crow
- Carolina Chickadee
- Tufted Titmouse
- Carolina Wren
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Parking
- Picnic
- Restrooms
- Kayak/Canoe Launch
- Boat Ramp