Elevation: 1608 ft.
The 360 acres that comprise Sycamore Bend include riverine, open meadow, wetlands, and hardwood forest habitats. On-site is a working farm, situated within the Cowpasture River Valley in scenic Bath County. The diversity of habitats, in addition to its secluded location, makes this site a good venue for wildlife viewing. Great blue and green herons and an occasional bald eagle may be found along the riverbanks, while barn and northern rough-winged swallows survey the river in flight.

The Cowpasture River running through the property attracts herons to the banks and flycatchers to the trees on the shore. Photo Credit: Lisa Mease/DWR
Open fields are abuzz with dragonflies, such as white-faced meadowhawk, and a variety of butterflies, such as red-spotted purple, meadow and great spangled fritillaries, and common buckeye. American goldfinch and eastern bluebird may also be found in these open spaces. Hardwood and mixed forests are summer homes to nesting migrants, such as wood thrush, ovenbird, American redstart, black-and-white warbler, and eastern wood-pewee. Permanent residents include pileated and red-headed woodpeckers, red-shouldered hawk, and eastern screech-owl. Mammalian denizens of this site include white-tailed deer, muskrat, black bear, coyote, and red fox. A late 19th century Appalachian log cabin, situated in one of the most secluded riverside areas within this property, is available for visitors interested in spending a couple of nights (see website for more information).
- Hunting is not allowed on the property.
- The driveway down to the cabin is unpaved. A 4WD/AWD vehicle is not required but will make the drive easier.

Entrance Coordinates: 38.1078348, -79.6452342
From Warm Springs, head north on US-220/Sam Snead Hwy, turn right onto SR-39/Mountain Valley Rd, turn left onto SR-609/Dry Run Rd, turn right onto SR-624/Westminster Rd, look for Westminster Chapel on the left, and in approximately 0.2 miles the Sycamore Bend driveway entrance will be on the right.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: (540) 414-4983
- Website
- Access: By appointment only
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Fee
- Hiking Trails
- Lodging
- Parking