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Thrasher Lake Park


Elevation: 708 ft.

Thrasher Lake is an excellent spot for a picnic and an excursion looking for birds, dragonflies, butterflies, and other wildlife. The lake hosts a variety of waterfowl in the winter months such as visiting American widgeon, ruddy duck, and hooded merganser. The banks of the lake often support green heron or sunning eastern painted turtle. The surrounding hillsides create rising air that is perfect for soaring raptors. Check the numerous soaring turkey vultures for the less frequent black vulture and the occasional red-tailed or broad-winged hawk. By standing quietly near the boat dock a variety of dragonflies can be found and easily approached. Eastern amberwing, blue dasher, widow and slaty skimmers, eastern pondhawk, and common whitetail are all regularly present and have been sporadically joined by Halloween pennant.


Location: End of Thrashers Lake Rd/SR 829, Amherst, VA 24521

From the previous site on the Sleeping Giant Loop of the VBWT:

From the Mount Pleasant Scenic Area, return to US 60 and head east for 9.9 miles to SR 610. Go north 1.4 miles to SR 617. Turn left and continue 0.5 miles to SR 829/Thrashers Lake Road. Turn left and continue 0.2 miles to the lake.

Location & Directions

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Site Information

  • Site Contact: (434) 946-9371
  • Website
  • Access: Free, Daily

Birds Recently Seen at Thrasher Lake Park (as reported to eBird)

  • Canada Goose
  • Common Merganser
  • Horned Grebe
  • Double-crested Cormorant
  • Great Blue Heron
  • Red-tailed Hawk
  • Eastern Phoebe
  • Blue Jay
  • American Crow
  • Carolina Chickadee

Seasonal Bird Observations


  • Parking
  • Picnic
  • Restrooms
  • Kayak/Canoe Launch
  • Boat Ramp