Elevation: 1245ft.
Turkeycock Mountain Wildlife Management Area stretches along the ridge of Turkeycock Mountain, providing several miles of rough gravel roads and numerous paths into this relatively dense hardwood forest. The dense forests sometimes make wildlife somewhat difficult to see. Larger species such as wild turkey and white-tailed deer make themselves visible only when they come in to the open along the roadsides or larger paths. However, a quiet listener can have an easier time finding the smaller birds since they are readily heard in the forest. Bird species found in the area include eastern wood-pewee, great-crested flycatcher, blue jay, Carolina chickadee, tufted titmouse, Carolina wren, blue-gray gnatcatcher, wood thrush, red-eyed vireo, ovenbird, scarlet tanager, eastern towhee and American goldfinch. The edges of the pond located on the western end of the WMA are worth checking for sunning eastern painted and eastern river cooter turtles as well as skulking ebony jewelwings. Spicebush swallowtails can often be found in sunspots scattered along the road.
- To Access the Site: A Restore the Wild Membership, Virginia hunting license, freshwater fishing license, boat registration, or an access permit is required.
- This site may be closed during certain times of year for hunting or land management. See seasonal access information on the Turkey Cock WMA website.
- If you are visiting this site during hunting seasons, please wear blaze orange/pink for safety.
Coordinates for parking area on Max Kendall Road: 36.805681, -79.741294
From US 220 in Roanoke/Rocky Mount, continue south. Turn left (east) onto VA 619 and continue for 11.7 miles. Turn left (east) onto VA 619/890 and then right (south) onto VA 619 which becomes Max Kendall Rd. After 2.4 miles, turn left (east) onto an unmarked road with gates. Parking is available down this road to the left just beyond a small pond. Additional parking is available about 2 miles further down this road.
From US 58 BUS in Danville, continue west for 17 miles. Turn right (north) onto Mountain Valley Rd and continue for 9.5 miles. Turn right (northeast) onto VA 57 E and continue for 0.4 miles. Turn left (northwest) onto Northfork Rd and then, after 2.0 miles, right onto Max Kendall Rd (SR 619). After 1.4 miles, turn right (east) onto an unmarked road with gates. Parking is available down this road to the left just beyond a small pond. Additional parking is available about 2 miles further down this road.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: Virginia DWR - Region 2 Office: 434-525-7522, Contact Us
- Website
- Access: Daily. Restore the Wild Membership, hunting license, freshwater fishing license, boat registration, or an access permit is required.
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Fee
- Hiking Trails
- Parking
- Primitive Camping