Walkerton Landing is a privately owned boat launching area. To view the Mattaponi River, park in the parking areas on either side of the street. The old bridge has been replaced, but it is now preserved on the north side of the road and can be used as a viewing platform. This site offers an extensive view of the river with exposed mudflats and sandbars. Flocks of wild turkeys can often be seen feeding on sand spits. These same flats and spits attract shorebirds during migrations. Waterfowl can be seen along the entire length of the river from the observation area. Ospreys utilize power poles as nesting structures, and can be seen close to the bridge. Chicks may be visible in the spring before they fledge from the nest.
Exit the King and Queen Fish Cultural Station, turn right, and follow the road south to SR 14/The Trail. Proceed along SR 14 west 3.6 miles to Walkerton Road/Rt. 629 and turn left (south). Travel 2.9 miles to Walkerton Landing.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: None
- Access: Free, Daily dawn to dusk
Birds Recently Seen at Walkerton Landing (as reported to eBird)
- Canada Goose
- Bufflehead
- Wilson's Snipe
- Ring-billed Gull
- Turkey Vulture
- Northern Harrier
- Red-shouldered Hawk
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Blue Jay
- American Crow
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Food
- Accessible
- Parking
- Phone
- Restrooms