Walrond Park is a 48-acre publically-owned park facility operated by the Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. A key feature in the park is a spring-fed pond that is home to local songbirds and migratory waterfowl such as geese and ducks.
Downstream from the pond is an approximately 3.5-acre wetland area that is home to diversity of plant and animal life. During migration, rusty blackbirds, Lincoln’s sparrows, and swamp sparrows can be seen. The Department has constructed a 2/3-mile long stone-surface loop trail around the pond and wetland, including a 200 linear foot raised boardwalk trail that extends into the central area of the wetland. The raised boardwalk trail terminates in a 12’x16′ wildlife viewing platform that is envisioned to provide an up-close glimpse into the flora and fauna of the wetland. Cooper’s hawks and great blue herons have been observed hunting in this wetland.
Return to US 11 and turn right (South) toward Hollins. Follow US 11 South 1.2 miles to Plantation Road/SR 115. Turn right onto Plantation Road and follow for approximately 0.5 miles and turn left on Walrond Drive (there will be a small sign along the road near the turn that says Walrond Park). Park is 1/4 mile down the road.
Location & Directions
View on Google MapsSite Information
- Site Contact: Lon Williams: 540-777-6324
- Website
- Access: Free, open Daily 6am - 9pm
Birds Recently Seen at Walrond Park (as reported to eBird)
- Mourning Dove
- Black Vulture
- Turkey Vulture
- Blue Jay
- Carolina Chickadee
- White-breasted Nuthatch
- Carolina Wren
- European Starling
- Brown Thrasher
- Eastern Bluebird