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2025 Virginia Wildlife Grant Application

Grant Application

  • Information About Your Organization

  • Information About The Project

  • Select all that apply. See the DWR R3 Plan.
  • Pick one — e.g., you may be buying a kayak (boating) but if most of your budget funds will be used to purchase fishing gear then fishing is your primary activity
  • Please select all that apply.
  • Please select all that apply.
  • Please enter a number from 5 to 99.
  • Please enter a number from 5 to 99.
  • List each community partner and their contribution (for example: instruction, staffing, outdoor gear, etc.).
  • A 1000 character or less summary describing how and why the expected results of the project will meet the grant focus areas of recruitment and retention related to the primary activity. Please consider the following when developing your summary:
    1. Program Description and Goals
    2. Goal Example: "Increase participation among xx groups in this county."
    3. Is this a new program?
    4. How will your program encourage participants to connect to the outdoors in the future?
    5. How will you define the success of the program?
    6. What is the project time schedule? Projects must be completed by December 1, 2025.
  • Please list objectives in quantified and measurable terms which relate back to your goals and, as applicable, the goals of the DWR R3 Plan, DWR Inclusive Excellence Strategic Plan, Virginia Wildlife Viewing Plan. For example, what do you want participants to do, learn or change as a result of participating in your program? How will you measure those outcomes?

    Objective Example: “Following the purchase of new archery practice materials and increased advertising, we expect an approximately 20% increase in the Team Roster.”
  • Please outline an anticipated budget needs to achieve the stated goals and objectives. A budget should identify all the variables requiring monetary support. Include an itemized budget with a brief 1–3 sentence narrative for each item.

    Allowable Expenses

    • All grant purchases will include outdoor gear and equipment related to the eligible tasks (rods and reels, firearms, ammunition, binoculars, field guides, etc.)
    • Transportation needs
    • Instructor support to provide expertise related to the outdoor activity (to include trainings or licensure for current staff)

    Non-Allowable Expenses

    • T-shirts, refreshments, prizes, raffles, or other items not directly related to the activity
    • Staff salaries
  • Upon submission, you will receive a copy of your grant application at the email address you provided.

    Applications will be reviewed and awards will be announced February 2025.