Fact File
Scientific Name: Acris crepitans
Classification: Amphibian
Size: Up to 1 inch
Identifying Characteristics
One of the smallest frogs in Virginia. It has somewhat warty skin with a highly variable pattern of specks, streaks, and sometimes a dark triangle shaped mark between the eyes. The base color can be brown, greenish or nearly black. There is a dark, ragged edged stripe on the concealed surface of the thigh. Hind leg is relatively short when extended. Only the first toe is completely webbed and only 1 1/2 to 2 joints of the 4th toe are free.
This is primarily a Piedmont species. It is usually not found in coastal areas except along river bottoms, sandhills, and flatwoods. In western Virginia, its distribution is localized.

Did You Know?
Although cricket frogs are members of the family Hylidae (treefrog), they lack toe pads.
Role in the Web of Life
This species primarily breeds from April–August in a variety of shallow freshwater habitats, including roadside ditches, ponds and stream margins. Their advertisement call sounds like two marbles being clicked together gick, gick, gick slowly at first and then picking up speed.
Species appears to be secure in Virginia.
Last updated: January 22, 2024
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