An angler getting ready to release a recently capture sauger. Photo by ©Zach Adkins
Angler Zach Adkins holds up a quality Sauger. Photo by ©Zach Adkins
Fact File
Scientific Name: Sander canadensis
Classification: Fish, Order Perciformes, Family Percidae
Size: Within Virginia waters Sauger typically don't grow beyond 18 inches in length
Life Span: Sauger live for about 4 years in Virginia
Identifying Characteristics

- An elongate body with two distinct dorsal fins
- Spinous dorsal fin has distinct spots
- Prominent canine teeth
- Dark, bold oblique mottling or saddles
- White margin along the length of the bottom caudal fin
- Yellowish to olive body color
Within Virginia, Sauger are native to the Powell and Clinch Rivers of the Upper Tennessee River Basin.

Adult Sauger are highly piscivorous, but will opportunistically feed on crustaceans or insects.
Sauger thrive in large rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Sauger are better suited for turbid waters than many other fish species due to adaptations that allow them to feed effectively in low visibility habitats. While Sauger are not dependent on submerged structures, they tend to prefer deep water habitats with sunken wood, rocks, and other debris.
Last updated: January 15, 2025
The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources Species Profile Database serves as a repository of information for Virginia’s fish and wildlife species. The database is managed and curated by the Wildlife Information and Environmental Services (WIES) program. Species profile data, distribution information, and photography is generated by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, State and Federal agencies, Collection Permittees, and other trusted partners. This product is not suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying use. The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources does not accept responsibility for any missing data, inaccuracies, or other errors which may exist. In accordance with the terms of service for this product, you agree to this disclaimer.