Elevation: 3418 ft.
Rt. 741/Homestead Road is a 3.5-mile scenic drive, with views of Fairwood Valley to the south and Brushy Mountain to the north. As Homestead Road winds through the valley, it traverses a variety of habitats including open hillside meadows, shrubby grasslands, oak stands, eastern hardwood forest, and roadside hedgerows. Truly, this is a prime road to look for colorful and animated nesting birds in good numbers. In summer, visitors should look for sparrows, eastern towhee, house wren, blue-headed vireo, and chestnut-sided warbler. Barn and northern rough-winged swallows patrol the open fields in aerial display. Wild turkey, or perhaps ruffed grouse, might be seen with young following closely behind. Migrant songbirds should be plentiful in spring and fall. While overflowing with avian species, other wildlife abounds. White-tailed deer are numerous and might be seen by a quiet observer. Black bear, red fox, and coyote are also denizens of this area, but are a little bit more elusive. Rt. 603 through Fairwood Valley has several pull-off areas for wildlife viewing also.

Look high in the canopy for songbirds on the way to the Comers Creek waterfall. Photo Credit: Lisa Mease/DWR
Approximately 0.5 miles into the route, there is a small parking area and the trailhead for the Comers Creek Falls Trail. This 0.8-mile round trip moderately strenuous trail leads to the Comers Creek waterfall in an eastern woodland forest.
- Homestead Road is gravel but it is appropriate for all passenger vehicles with caution.

Physical Coordinates: 36.715034, -81.467968
From Marion, head south on VA-16/Commerce Rd, and the beginning of the route will be on the right in approximately 16 miles.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: US Forest Service Mount Rogers National Recreation Area District Office, 276-783-5196,
- Website
- Access: Free, daily, sunrise-sunset
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Bike Trails
- Camping
- Hiking Trails
- Parking
- Picnic