Elevation: 1731 ft.; 1741 ft.
The shallow, broad stretch of the New River that calmly meanders through the City of Radford is perfect for a half day float or a full day of fishing. This route begins at Riverview Park and may be continued to Bisset Park or extended for a slightly longer trip to the Dedmon Center. The shallow depth makes it easy to get out and walk if you tire of floating downstream. Riding the river provides a new perspective to the riverside habitats and an opportunity to explore areas hard to access from land.
When traveling the river, you can keep a look out for heron fishing along the banks or kingfisher perched high up in the sycamore. Wood ducks may skitter out from the shadier sections of river, while osprey may appear overhead to fish along with you for bass and catfish. Along the banks look for dragonflies and damselflies such as common green darner or perhaps a prince basket tail endlessly cruising the open water.
Directions to Riverview Park (paddle route starting point)
From Previous Site on the Lower New River Loop of VBWT:
From Claytor Lake State Park, return to I-81 and go north to Exit #105. Take Exit #105 to SR 232/West Main Street and follow SR 232/West Main Street north into Radford 2.1 miles to Cowan Street. Turn left on Cowan Street, which quickly ends in a T junction on River Street. Turn left and follow River Street down to the parking area next to the park.
Location & Directions
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- Site Contact: (540) 731-5048
- Website
- Access: Free, Daily
Birds Recently Seen at New River Paddle Route – Radford (as reported to eBird)
- Canada Goose
- Wood Duck
- Double-crested Cormorant
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Downy Woodpecker
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Northern Flicker
- Blue Jay
- American Crow
- Carolina Chickadee
Seasonal Bird Observations
- Food
- Parking
- Picnic
- Site Viewable Only By Boat