Tear Down That Dam: Reconnecting a Piedmont Stream
A unique public/private partnership to remove a dam will restore aquatic habitats and have significant impacts on aquatic wildlife in Rock Island Creek. Read more…
Years of Work Under the ESA Helped Bring the James Spinymussel Back to the James River
Decades of work facilitated by listing to the Endangered and Threatened Species List went into a release of James spinymussel into its historic range. Read more…
Saving the Appalachian Monkeyface
Staff at DWR’s Aquatic Wildlife Conservation Center are working to preserve a species on the brink of extinction. Read more…
Let The Rivers Flow
Removing dams from Virginia's waterways restores them to healthy habitat for aquatic wildlife and makes water systems safer for recreation. Read more…
Solving the Appalachian Monkeyface Mussel Mystery
Years of research by the staff at DWR's AWCC resulted in the successful propagation and release of one of the rarest species of mussel in the U.S. Read more…
We’re Ready for Musselrama 2021!
Musselrama is a week-long mussel survey focused on determining how stocked mussels are doing throughout Virginia. Read more…
Musselrama ‘17
In Scott County, Virginia biologists from the VDWR and partnering agencies splashed into the scenic Clinch River to begin the week-long “MUSSELRAMA” surveys Read more…