Fishing to Survive: A STEM Activity About Fishing
An interdisciplinary activity that engages students in a scenario where they must create fishing gear from “found” objects to catch fish in a pool to survive.
Who is Calling Tonight?
A field investigation to discover the species of frogs and toads in the area
Virginia Animals and Their Habitats: A second-grade cross-curricular unit that integrates the content areas of science, language arts, mathematics, and history and social science; and addresses 40 grade-two Virginia Standards of Learning. Students will develop an understanding of Virginia animals and their habitats through active research, investigation and data collection, mathematical analysis, and communication. The unit utilizes inquiry, student teamwork, project-based learning, student journals, and fosters responsible actions toward wildlife and related natural resources. The unit is enhanced when paired with Project WILD materials.
White-tailed Deer in the Classroom: explore the life cycle of the white-tailed deer with a video, lessons and information to support the Virginia Science Standard of Learning Objective 2.4.
Who Polluted the Water? Using a model to represent the River, Bay or another local body of water, students participate in an interactive story dramatizing how, as populations increase and resource use changes, a water body becomes polluted.
The North American Conservation Education Strategy: A Tool Kit for Achieving Excellence The award-winning North American Conservation Education Strategy (CE Strategy) delivers unified, research-based core concepts and messages about fish and wildlife conservation, translated into K-12 academic standards to shape students’ environmental literacy, stewardship and outdoor skills. The Tool Kit for Achieving Excellence includes the many resources developed by AFWA as part of the CE Strategy, including the following publications